New warehouse and offices, Liscate Milan
Total cost: 6 M€ – new building
Surface: 12,000 sqm
Immobiliare Annarosa
Studio Marabelli
- Consultant and general contractor selection
- Design and works coordination
- Cost and timing control
- Construction site activity supervision
- Support for tenant management
Opere di demolizione di edificio pre-esistente e nuova edificazione di due capannoni attigui con mezzanini per uffici e magazzini secondo il progetto del Tenant.
La realizzazione ha richiesto il coordinamento tra varie imprese selezionate avendo privilegiato lo “spacchettamento” degli appalti principali (strutture, opere civili, impianto meccanico e impianto elettrico).
MdL ha svolto servizi di Project&Construction Management e gestito la personalizzazione dell’utente finale.
Total cost: 60 M€ – new building
Sorter area surface: 20,000 sqm
Office surface: 4,500 sqm
Progetto CMR
- Design and works coordination
- Cost and timing control
- Construction site activity supervision
- Reporting management with the parent company
Alongside the local and international DHL team, MdL followed the entire construction process of the new HUB, from the early construction site phases of the prefabricated building up to the final delivery and commissioning of the new SORTER and the office spaces for DHL personnel.
MdL performed Construction Management services.